The movie is based on the infamous "Stanford Prison Experiment" conducted in 1971. A makeshift prison is set up in a research lab, complete with cells, bars and surveillance cameras. Twenty male participants are hired to play prisoners and guards for two weeks . The prisoners are locked up and have to follow the rules, and the guards are told to retain order and they are forbidden to use physical violence. Everybody is free to quit at any time, but they will lose the payment. In the beginning the mood between both groups is peaceful, but soon quarrels arise and the wardens employ severely sanctions in order to confirm their authority.
The movie is based on the infamous "Stanford Prison Experiment" conducted in 1971. A makeshift prison is set up in a research lab, complete with cells, bars and surveillance cameras. Twenty male participants are hired to play prisoners and guards for two weeks . The prisoners are locked up and have to follow the rules, and the guards are told to retain order and they are forbidden to use physical violence. Everybody is free to quit at any time, but they will lose the payment. In the beginning the mood between both groups is peaceful, but soon quarrels arise and the wardens employ severely sanctions in order to confirm their authority.
Because it seemed like a game, people thought it was an easy way to earn money. The experiment only needed male participants and they had to go to interview. In the end, there were twenty people left. They had to split into two groups and eight men impersonated guards and twelve men were prisoners. As long as they finished it for two weeks, then they could get $2000 each person. It was quite simple at the beginning because prisoners only had to follow the orders and rules and the guards just had to retained the orders without violence. But soon it became a war between the guards and prisoners and their conflicts even made people dead.
Opinion: How come the easy way to earn money will turn out to be an extreme conflict between these two groups? When day passes, people in the experiment feel like they were really prisoners and guards. The power corrupts the warden employ, he starts to use violence to force prisoners to do something are immoral and cruel. These bad behaviors stir prisoners to rebel against the unfair treatments. However, the researchers are reluctant to stop it before it becomes a tragedy. In this movie, we can see how power corrupts human and how terrible will be when people try to revenge each other. Although the movie is controversy, it points out the true appearance of prison and makes us know the life of prison is much worse than we imagine.